Interview Reader #2: Spaces of Common | Räume des Gemeinsamen (2022)
A collection of interviews published through AoA with Dagmar Pelger, Doina Petrescu, Kim Trogal & Andrea Vetter. Click here for the pdf.

Urban Commons Handbook (2022)
Written and edited collectively by the Urban Commons Research Group, this book compiles definitions, experiences, and references around commoning the city today. You can order the book via the publisher dpr-barcelona.

Design Commons. Practices, Processes and Crossovers (2022)
Edited by Gerhard Bruyns and Stavros Kousoulas, I contributed this chapter to the book: “Matters of Care” in Spaces of Commoning: Designing In, Against and Beyond Capitalism. Click here for more info.

Common(s)Lab Zine. 3 Years of (Un)learning (2021)
A collective zine documenting 3 years of activities taking place at the community space Common(s)Lab in Berlin. Click here for the free pdf.

Interview Reader #1: Economies of Common/ing (2020)
A collection of interviews published through AoA with Friederike Habermann, Katherine Gibson, Tobias Rosswog, Christa Müller & Karin Werner. Click here for the pdf.

NORDES Design Research Conference ‘Who cares?’ (2019)
Position paper Caring for the common and caring in common. Towards an expanded architecture/design practice, co-written with Melissa Harrison. Find the paper here.

XVI Biennial IASC Conference (2017)
Paper Economies of Commoning – new frameworks for citizen participation? presented during the XVI Biennial IASC Conference ‘Practicing the commons’ in Utrecht. Click here for the pdf.

Oya Magazine (2015)
Contribution of article Herausforderung Vielfalt (The challenge of diversity) (30/2015).

Agents of Alternatives (2015)
Co-edited with Alastair Fuad-Luke and Anja-Lisa Hirscher, co-written with more than 50 contributors. For more info, for the free pdf.

Art Aurea Magazine (2012)
Articles From Bottom to Top(03 2012) and Means of production for everyone (04/2012). More info here. (2012/13)
A research blog co-founded with Alastair Fuad-Luke in 2012. Read more here.

phoenix & finch (2011/12)
A travelogue documenting 8 months on Transsiberian paths from Helsinki to Laos and back. Read and see more here.

Helsinki Beyond Dreams (2012)
Hella Herberg edited this beautiful book on creative activism in Helsinki. Contribution of The Quest for Bread in Chapter 4, Actions for Real Food, pp. 124-131.

5 – The Dish (2010)
My MA-thesis at the School of Design, Arts and Architecture, Aalto University Helsinki in 2011. Find the project’s blog here and the pdf-version here.